I take SocialOomph for granted even though I have spoken of it for years in quite a few of my blog posts for Biznology: Reduce your Twitter bloat with @manageflitter @socialoomph @crowdfire, SocialOomph offers essential Twitter tools, Launching your social campaign with guns blazing!, The best automagical Twitter following tools for your business, Your social media marketing automation solution, Tools I use to amplify social campaigns, How to build your influencers in social media, Social media is like riding a bike. That’s eight articles since 2013.
And SocialOomph might very well be the only web app that I have been paying for religiously and consistently since June 12, 2012. Why, you ask?
Upload a Text File of Posts and Post Forever!
So, there are several types of posts: engagement posts that are active, immediate, spontaneous, and improvised between people — do all of these by hand. Don’t use SocialOomph.
There are weekly posts, potentially like weekly #followfriday posts that you repeat every Friday or weekly call-outs on Thursday mornings looking for embarrassing, priceless, or epic photos from prom, bar mitzvah, 7th grade graduation, or boot camp action photos.
There are yearly posts such as birthday, anniversaries, 4th of Julys, National Wear Red Days, and even such important-but-hard-t0-remember dates like other people’s birthdays, anniversaries, and the birthdays of their kids (and even if it’s automated, it’s still always appreciated). Things like “happy Summer,” “happy Winter,” and, for the Wiccans in your life, “a witchy Samhain to you!”
And since I don’t personally like to remember to shamelessly self-promote my own company and my own brand both on @chrisabraham and @gerriscorp I like to come up with tweets, posts, and links that deep link into the best of my work, the products and services that I offer, and case studies and testimonials that I am so very proud of (alas, I just realized that I have never done that for myself or my company, I have only ever done that for my clients, so there’s some homework for the upcoming weekend).
SocialOomph Supports More than Twitter
While Twitter is the most profoundly useful platform for SocialOomph, autoposting is operationalized for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, RSS Feed, Blog, and even the Plurk zombie. So, why not plug in your RSS feed or your blog into SocialOomph and post each and every one of your latest blog posts automagically onto Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn.
Semi-Auto Follow-Back
While you might need to go over to ManageFlitter to get any sort of expensive, amazing, simple, proxied automation, you can still use SocialOomph to tee up and allow you to approve all the people who have followed you, via a manual review process that you can double-secretly hack by using a handy plug in for either Chrome or Mozilla/Firefox. Then it can go pretty fast once you get on board with the whole “sneaking around” behind Twitter’s strict terms of service (shh, don’t tell Twitter). If you’re really the savviest charmer in the world, you can also send an auto DM as well, though I have never felt it to be something I really need, though I think I’ll try it in my upcoming @4VETS4LIFE campaign. You just need to remember to review your follow approval queue every day.
Semi-Auto Keyword Follows
Almost exactly like the Semi-Auto Follow-Back system above, this is what I love the most. Throw some keyword phrases such as “earned media influencer marketing,” “influencer marketing” or even “#influencermarketing” then wait and you’ll soon get a queue of Twitter users who have tweets or bios that have those keywords or hashtags. But, like above, you also need to get through that queue of sometimes hundreds of queued Twitter account profiles to approve every day — but don’t forget that you can double-secretly hack by using a handy plug in for either Chrome or Mozilla/Firefox for as long as you don’t snitch to Twitter about this convenience.
There are a bunch of other solutions and tools and reports that SocialOomph has squirreled away. But, for me, it’s all about front loading lots of good, amazing, evergreen content to auto-share as well as the perfect please to follow everyone who is germane and salient to your mission, campaign, or project — just as long as you address your semi-automated queue every single day. It’s not too very difficult but it’s relatively patient — just don’t be a snitch!
Feel free to own the yacht but hire a crew if you’re not yet seaworthy. If you get my drift and want to adopt the yachting lifestyle yourself but either don’t have the mad sailing skills yourself, don’t yet posses a world-class crew, and don’t know yet where to go, then you should give me a call or reach out me by email — so I can help you pilot your vessel now, in the tranquil blue-green shallows of the Caribbean, as well as in the roughest seas and into — as well as out of — the storm.
If you’d like to chat more, call me at +1 (202) 869-3210 Ext 0001 email me, or feel free to self-schedule a 15-minute call, a 30-minute call, or a 60-minute call with me.