Yesterday, Jennifer Evans Cario of SugarSpun Marketing presented our latest Biznology® Webinar about how to use Pinterest as one of your marketing strategies. Been following all the hype about Pinterest but not quite sure how it applies to your business? Maybe you’ve even taken the time to set up a Pinterest page, but never got past your first few pins.
In this Webinar, you’ll learn to leverage Pinterest for your business and target audience. You’ll learn to use Pinterest as a consumer research channel and how the knowledge gleaned from the site can bolster your content marketing efforts. You’ll better understand the types of content that perform well on Pinterest and how it can fit into your existing content and social media marketing efforts.
In this free 30-minute Biznology® Webinar, Jennifer talks about how Pinterest differs from other popular social media channels and when and why it’s worthwhile to consider it as part of your own social media strategy. She explores the difference between content creation and content curation, and looks at how brands are leveraging pinboards as a better way to micro-target valuable segments of their customer base. Finally, she takes a quick look at Pinterest’s newly introduced native analytics and how they can be used as a launch point to better understand what our customers are looking for from our brands.
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