If you’re in marketing, you’ve probably been tempted yourself. You’re not all that confident that what you are offering is all that exciting, so you might think that you need to fuzz things up just a bit. You might think that if you could fool people, just a little bit, into thinking that your offer was a bit better than it was–put it in the best possible light, yes, but maybe even a little better light than that. Unfortunately, the Internet punishes that kind of behavior, because someone calls you on your (slight) deception, and they do it publicly. All this was brought to mind recently when I was trying to download some “free” software by pressing the big button and kept ending up with the paid version, because the offer was just a little too good to be true. If you’ve been fooling folks just a bit, and you are wondering what the alternative is, check out my latest post on Internet Evolution, “Let’s Push ‘Delete’ on Big Button Marketing.”
Image via Wikipedia