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Biznology Author Guidelines

Biznology is focused on a range of topics that are top of mind for 21st century leaders dedicated to improving, changing and ultimately transforming their organizations for the future.

From post-pandemic remote work policies, employee safety, engagement and productivity, to increased competition and changes to the global supply chain, the digitization of organizations, issues surrounding diversity, equity, inclusion, climate change, and a new sense of social and moral purpose, Biznology is dedicated to providing the most valuable content possible for leaders on the reset of our economy and society.

We welcome contributions on these and related topics. These guidelines are meant to help you align with our editorial focus and standards. Please read them before submitting your article to

Our primary content categories are:

  • The Great Reset: Inspired by the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative, we examine the impact of the political, economic and social disruptions that have come to light during the COVID-19 pandemic on business decision-making. From considerations around financial structures, social issues, DE&I and ESG, leaders are facing new important challenges. We have a unique opportunity to reflect on how we can improve, re-think, and reshape global business, economy, and society.
  • 21st Century Leadership: 21st century leaders need new skills and a new mindset in order to achieve this new vision. Successful leaders are characterized not by command and control, top-down authority, or a winner-takes-all attitude, but by empathy, honesty, integrity, trust, transparency, collaboration, empowerment, and a willingness to embrace true diversity. Leaders must continuously learn and think in new ways and from new perspectives, infused with a spirit of entrepreneurialism, creativity and innovation.
  • Change & Transformation:  How can we use this Great Reset to improve work, productivity, marketing, and leadership?
  • Our Digital Future: 2020 highlighted the crucial importance of digital technologies in our lives. Every organization is a digital organization, and both our personal and professional lives increasingly depend on digital technologies. We’ll focus on emerging technologies and their importance to business: from digital sales and marketing to the digital customer experience to new digital products, we’ll explore the growing importance of cyber security, data, technology innovation and the impacts of living in an increasingly digital world, including the importance of ethics in decison-making about our use of technology.
  • Networks & Communities: 2020 also highlighted the importance of social networks, online communities, and collaboration platforms. We’ll look at the good, the bad and the ugly of social technologies, social media, social networks and their increasing importance to and impact on business and society.

Our Editorial Guidelines & Standards

Original Content. Please submit original content that has not yet been published elsewhere. If you have a great idea that you have published and wish to reuse, please let us know and we can work with you to re-work it through our Content Studio.

Republication: Please do not publish your article elsewhere for at least 14 days after publication on our site. If you do republish, please note it is better to rewrite, to some degree, as search engines do not like replication. If you do republish the same article, please include a link back to your originally published piece on Biznology.

Length: We recommend 350 – 650 words, but more in-depth, long-form articles are also welcome.

Tone: We try to advise our audience of senior executives and leaders on key topics of the day, so we are rarely polemical. We want them to come away having learned one or two new, key points that will help them in their work and decision-making.

Introduction: Your first paragraph should provide some direction about the key points you want to make, so a reader can decide if this article will be valuable to them. Don’t be too formulaic about this, but do point out why your article should be read.

SEO: Remember to follow some basic SEO rules such as aligning your first paragraph with the title and linking to authoritative sources.

Title: We will help with this if we accept your work for publication.

Facts & Figures: Articles don’t always need to be backed by statistics but if they are please link to your sources.

Other Points of View: Avoid being overly dogmatic. There are other viewpoints out there and it will enrich your article if you make mention of them.

Listicles: Please avoid them. We aim at an intelligent audience, not at clickbait.

Sponsored Articles: If your article is in any way sponsored or paid for by a third party or you represent a vendor or other interested party, please disclose this in the introduction. Also – check out our Media Kit for Sponsored Content Opportunities.

Copyright: By submitting to us, you guarantee that your content is unique to you and written by you and is original as understood in the copyright community. You guarantee that you own the copyright. When we publish, you retain the copyright and you will be offering us a one time opportunity to publish and distribute globally through our website.

Editing: Almost no articles go straight to publication, so to write for us, you will need to accept the value of editing, as part of our commitment to the quality of your work and our publication. If we feel your contribution would be a valuable fit for our audience, we will help you to develop and shape it to maximize its benefit for you and our readers.

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