Your social media engagement traffic, engagement, and exposure are critical to your success. You need to score home runs with every piece of content.
It is dishearteningly easy to for users to unsubscribe, un-like, or un-follow, your feed, especially given the perpetual email bombardment with endless streams of content. Users can thus be super selective regarding what appears in their updates and inboxes.
1. Do your posts contain a call to action (CTA)?

Customer engagement will not occur magically, especially when you post infrequently. You have to drive engagement. CTA’s grab readers’ attention, pull them in, and propel your content’s spread across the web. Craft your CTA’s to be requests rather than commands, discreet pushes towards participating in your social media strategy.
2. Are you exploiting the power of pictures?
Of course, not every situation calls for images (no need to reply to your mentions on Twitter with a picture). Images, however, are fun, powerful inducements to engagement, and increase your chances of going viral! Most top social media outlets – increasingly – facilitate image sharing. Even Twitter has enhanced its image previews and visibility. Even if you are not a Photoshop power user, and the prospect of creating your own images intimidates you, awesome tools like can lower the skill barrier.
3. Is this the right moment to update?
Yes, you may be located in US, but where on the globe is your audience? Does it make sense to post when your audience is probably snoring? Fortunately, most social media networks, and tools like Buffer offer scheduling options to permit posting when your audience is most likely to be online and reviewing their news feeds. Check the substantial online research for guidance.
4. Did you proofreed? Oops…too late now!!

Sadly, way too many social media posts are ignored or even mocked for their careless grammar, obvious misspellings, and punctuation errors. For example, we at WEBSITE work with many copywriters and bloggers, and if posts contain even miniscule errors, our audience notices instantly. Such slip-ups discourage social media engagement, and detract from your exposure and your credibility.
5. Are you providing value to your core audience?
Know the folks who follow you and engage frequently with your brand, and post accordingly. If you deal in kitchen wares, you can guess that they are unlikely to engage with celebrity gossip! Yes, general interest posts will be widely readable, but not necessarily compelling to readers who keep in contact with your business, who are likely to convert to future customers. Keep these people’s needs foremost when composing your next social media update.
Your social media posts will benefit from reviewing these elements, and so will your business!
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