One of the odd things about getting so many services for free on the Internet is that we might feel obligated to be grateful even when something doesn’t work as well as we need it to. Just that situation cropped up for a speacialty retailer who struggled to make use of Google Website Optimizer. It’s free, and it works very well for many companies, boosting their conversion rate with relentless testing of possibilities through multivariate testing. But what if it doesn’t work for you? What do you do then?

Image by mark knol via Flickr
Our heroes in this story worked gamely to take advantage of Google’s free tool, but ultimately it came up short for them. I suspect that they are still grateful to Google for offering a free tool that whet their appetites for this powerful testing approach, but I asked them to write up their experiences with GWO so that others can benefit from their struggles. If you’re interested, check out our latest Do It Wrong Quickly case study, “Google Website Optimizer Disappoints.”
Do you have a story to tell where you were able to “do it wrong quickly”? E-mail your entry to me and maybe it will appear on this site, too.