Internet marketing can take many forms. A few weeks ago, I had the rare opportunity get in touch with leader in the domainer industry. If you don’t know what domaining…
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Byrne Reese of Movable Type on Twitter customer service
If you’re like me, all you’ve heard about in blogging software the last couple of years is WordPress. But as a long-time blogger using Movable Type, I wondered what they…
Read MoreMatt Alland and Boris Mordkovich of SEMCompare
Internet marketing experts often advise companies to open up their marketing to embrace ratings and reviews, but the search marketing industry has been in an uproar the past few weeks…
Read MoreLars Seier Christensen of Saxo Bank on being nimble
Sure, we’ve all heard of these new born-on-the-Web banks and trading companies. They’re cool and trendy, but surely no old-style bank could be like that, right? After all, we all…
Read MoreSteve Mann of SAP on social media
Social media is taking off, and marketers are sitting up and taking notice. Small companies have stolen most of the headlines with viral marketing, possibly because small businesses are always…
Read MoreRonny Kohavi of Microsoft on controlled experiments
Regular readers know how much I care about experimentation in marketing. Seth Godin is starting to call this “layering” and it’s at the heart of my book, Do It Wrong…
Read MoreVishen Lakhiani of MindValley on the top blog stories
Typically, a new communication tactic emerges before anyone knows how to measure its value, and blogs have been no exception. You can look at your Technorati rank, or use FeedBurner…
Read MoreDavid Bradley of MarketBridge on big company web marketing
I’ve been writing a lot lately about how big companies and small companies might use different approaches (and have different problems) when it comes to Web marketing. I’ve noticed that…
Read MoreGrant Ryan of Eurekster on Swicki vertical search engine
If you haven’t heard about Eurekster, you should check out their Swicki search engine. Swicki provides a way of applying the wisdom of crowds to search engines. If you have…
Read MoreA conversation with PODZINGER
Wondering how podcasts and other audio files are found by search engines? Find out in my June Biznology newsletter in an interview with two of the people behind the hot…
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