Christian Carlsson sent me a very interesting article today in AdAge, showing how Kraft Foods is getting customers to pay for an application, view ads, and then go out and…
Read MoreInternet Marketing
Testing designed to annoy customers redux
About a year ago, I was upset by a company that blamed its annoying behavior toward customers on “market testing.” Well, I just ran into another one. I won’t name…
Read MoreLife-long learners make the best Internet marketers
When you’re looking for a consultant, you want someone who knows their stuff, right? Well, usually, but in Internet marketing, the problem is that the “stuff” keeps changing. Instead, you…
Read More2009: The year of the listener
OK, this proclamation of the Year of the Listener is completely made up….by me. There is no culture or religion that officially deemed 2009 as the Year of the Listener….
Read MoreVideo ads are ill-advised, even for Google
In these economic times, you can be forgiven if you’re always looking for the next big thing. It’s only natural to be alert for something that will bail us all…
Read MoreParse, quantify, calculate, predict: The new metrics
Anyone with agency experience will tell you how sick they are of the phrase, “It’s like comparing apples and oranges.” Why has this idiom become the standard excuse by which…
Read MoreDoes your business ever sleep?
The nice thing about the Internet is that your business need never close–you can serve customers every minute of every day. The bad thing about the Internet is it gives…
Read MoreQuicken Loan’s Regis Hadiaris on multivariate testing
I’ve written extensively in the past about multivariate testing, but I haven’t had many opportunities to interview a veteran of this important Internet marketing technique. For those of you who…
Read MoreFame, interactive ads, and online reputation
As marketers try to find ways to join the conversation enabled by social media, they face the challenge of scale. The virtual third space is becoming increasingly fragmented, to the…
Read MoreWhat’s your mission?
Today I had an epiphany of sorts. A revelation, if you will. The result of these great new truths in my life were the following; a panic attack, followed by…
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