By now, you probably realize that you need to use podcasts, blogs, and other new media to send out your message, but you may not realize that your customers will…
Read MoreInternet Marketing
The three R’s of web marketing
Classic marketing books expound upon the four P’s of marketing: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Well, when the place you are selling is the Web, product and price continue to…
Read MoreThe cure for Specialist Disease
In last month’s Biznology newsletter, we looked at Specialist Disease, a condition where the experts who run your Web site sometimes get so wrapped up in their special expertise that…
Read MoreOne and a half sigma
Most of you are familiar with the six sigma programs that have raised quality standards for products and processes around the world. Six sigma programs are important and they work—when…
Read MoreGrant Ryan of Eurekster on Swicki vertical search engine
If you haven’t heard about Eurekster, you should check out their Swicki search engine. Swicki provides a way of applying the wisdom of crowds to search engines. If you have…
Read MoreFear of the unknown
Usually when we talk about “fear of the unknown,” we are referring to that gnawing, scary feeling inside when we don’t know what will happen. But there’s a slightly different…
Read MoreSpecialist Disease
Some of my favorite conference sessions to speak at are the “Site Clinics”—where the audience members shout the URLs of their own sites and the panel gives them suggestions about…
Read MoreA conversation with PODZINGER
Wondering how podcasts and other audio files are found by search engines? Find out in my June Biznology newsletter in an interview with two of the people behind the hot…
Read MoreWeb 2.0 makes marketing a conversation
Blogs. Wikis. Podcasts. Mashups. Weird new words for a weird new marketing on the Web. Those are the tools of Web 2.0, a trendy name for a set of new…
Read MoreYour interactive marketing future
I spent a very interesting day yesterday at the Reaching Your Global Customers conference in Lanacaster, Pennsylvania, hosted by the World Trade Center. I did know that the World Trade…
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