The news is unusually slow at the moment as it pertains to the world of Internet marketing. We know that AT&T has purchased T-Mobile for $39 billion, but as marketers…
Read MoreInternet marketing
What’s the best way to say thanks to a customer?
“No matter what happens, I just want to say thank you for introducing me.” said the the email, and just like that, I was jarred out of my analytcal headspace…
Read More“My exec doesn’t understand search marketing!”
I hear that complaint all the time. You know how effective search marketing is. You know what it could mean to your business. You’re excited about getting it done. You…
Read MoreMoney alone can’t buy digital marketing success
I’ve been talking to some small business owners recently who are all complaining that they are getting squeezed out of social media, search marketing, and other forms of Internet marketing…
Read MoreInternet marketing grinders are winners
First of all, for you folks in New England that refer to a sub or a hoagy as a “grinder,” this is not about that. You can probably come up…
Read MoreWhy digital marketing challenges everyone
Sometimes I can see it in their eyes. During a speaking appearance, I’ll look out at the audience and see fear. Not the “Big F” kind of “Run for your…
Read MoreLocal Internet marketing is too complex
No wonder local Internet marketing is a mystery to many SMB’s and even much larger businesses and organizations. Setting aside the fact that there are so many different channels, sites,…
Read MoreWhat’s the big question for online marketing success?
One of the great things about online marketing is that there are so many paths to success. Some businesses succeed with search. Some rock the social sphere. And some achieve…
Read MoreThe internet industry races forward and leaves opportunity in the dust
There was a Simon and Garfunkel song called “Feeling Groovy” whose lyrics run, “Slow down, you move too fast, you’ve got to make the morning last, just kickin’ down the…
Read MoreLocal Search isn’t always so local
You’re probably hearing a lot about local search. Small businesses are wondering about how much they need to do, but many big businesses haven’t realized how important it is for…
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