Are you paying attention to your mobile marketing yet? After years of being the next big thing, mobile might finally be the current big thing. But there is a big…
Read MoreRob Petersen
21 stats show CMOs leap before they look at ROI
The average tenure of a CMO has increased from 23.6 to 43 months since 2004 according to Spencer Stuart. That’s good news. Perhaps, companies are finally appreciating the business impact…
Read More6 case studies show Big Data is helping decision making
“Big Data” is shorthand for the collection of large amounts of data from places like web-browsing data trails, social network communications, sensor and surveillance data that is then searched…
Read More10 SEO measurements every marketer should know
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up someplace else,” said Laurence Peter. For any brand doing business on the internet, to get where you want to…
Read More10 social media metrics every marketer should know
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it,” said Peter Drucker. Social media measurement tools are one of the fast-growing areas of analytics and venture funding. But, did you know,…
Read More9 Google Analytics metrics every marketer should know
The GPS for a website and any brand’s online effort is Google Analytics. If you have a website and don’t regularly review analytics, it’s the same as getting into a…
Read More26 Social Media Secrets Skittles Knows
The Skittles website attracted 23,000 U.S. unique visitors in March 2012, while the Skittles Facebook Page attracted 320,000 visitors–14 times as many. That’s far from typical–very few companies have more traffic…
Read More15 experts define agile marketing
The character pictured may or may not be an agile marketer. You can’t tell by appearance, only by track record. Faced with all of the changes in marketing over the…
Read More5 social media pain points and the point they prove
To see results using social media, you don’t need a social media strategy. You don’t need to know all the capabilities of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, social apps or how…
Read More5 reasons it’s not too late for Avon to join Social Media’s party
The Wall Street Journal, in a recent article, Avon Is Late to Social Media’s Party, says sales for cosmetic products have steadily moved online to sites like, and…
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