Back in the late ’90s, just putting up a Web site was a technical feat. Things broke every minute of the day and none of us really knew how to…
Read MoreInternet Marketing
I need a job, so chat me up!
I had to chuckle to myself when a young man visiting in my home noticed on the wall a photograph of my college-aged daughter and absent-mindedly said to no one…
Read MoreAre SMBs the Chicago Cubs of internet marketing?
I have written for the past several years about SMBs and their need to do Internet marketing. I still believe that with all of my heart. There is, however, sometimes…
Read MoreGoogle fights evil, except when it doesn’t
All eyes are on Google, 24×7, it seems. Google’s latest news is big enough for CNN, because it features a steel cage match among two gotta watch wrestlers, Google vs….
Read MoreThe Internet blurs the old organizational lines
Who owns the Internet? Obviously no one actually owns the Internet, but this is a question that I hear every day from big companies, because they want to know which…
Read MoreDear SMBs: Don’t complicate blogging
It appears as if the years and years of shameless self-promotion, and an overly important view of itself, is catching up with the Internet marketing industry. I say this because,…
Read MoreInternet marketing requires courage
Most of you know I named my second book, “Do It Wrong Quickly,” which is a snarky way of saying you won’t get it perfect, so you can’t let that…
Read MoreAugmented reality becomes marketing reality
I know, I know–most of us don’t have enough brain cells to deal with simple reality, much less any augmented kind. But you might have to. More and more, your…
Read MoreThe internet marketing industry needs a reality check
I just read an interesting post over at Search Engine Land by Greg Sterling. He gives some information about a study recently done that measured the impact of real-time search…
Read MoreWhat to do when reviewers lie about you
Perhaps it has happened to you. You notice an awful review about your business online, in Yelp or some other site. It’s depressing, sure, but it would be even worse…
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