In Mike Moran’s recent post, he pointed out that digital marketing is more about understanding marketing than it is about being a technology expert. I could not agree more. One…
Read MoreInternet Marketing
Does your Internet marketing training make you feel dumb?
I have been hearing from a lot of people on my post from Wednesday on new ways to train your team in digital marketing. I’ve gotten great feedback, but there…
Read MoreShould CMO stand for cheap marketing officer?
I’m cheap. There. I said it. Some people don’t like the word cheap. They’d rather be frugal or thrifty. Not me. Those are $2 words when a ten-cent word like cheap fits me just…
Read MoreHow does your team get digital marketing training?
Most of you know that I do a lot of training work, both for individuals and companies, and it has struck me recently that there might not be enough…
Read More11 digital marketing resolution ideas for ’13
I am in the midst of setting up my New Year’s resolutions for 2013. I know not everyone does the resolution thing, but almost half of all Americans do. If…
Read More2013: The year of internet marketing basics
This will be the only 2013 prediction or whatever you want to call it kind of post. I have never been comfortable with trying to predict the future especially in…
Read MorePredictions for B2B digital marketing in 2013
It’s that time of the year when observers can’t resist making predictions about developments on the horizon. I hereby take up that tradition, offering up four random prognostications for where…
Read MoreAdd a blog and blogging to your New Year’s resolution
Edelman recruited me because I blogged aboutWal-Mart; Rosetta Stone invited me to blog for them because I blogged about learning German; AdAge invited me to write for their DigtialNext andGlobal News blogs; blogging about social media marketing resulted…
Read MoreIs it time for your marketing to include a mobile app?
It is no secret that mobile applications have changed everyday life. People do business, set family reminders, deposit checks, track workouts and spend hours and hours of leisure time in…
Read MoreFacebook is now a local search tool for those on-the-go
On Monday, Facebook announced that they updated the “Nearby” feature in Android and iOS apps, making social powerhouse a potentially harmful threat to location-based social apps such as Foursquare and Yelp. “Nearby” on…
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