54% of consumers find a website through natural search (source: Forrester) 31% click through to the websites in the first position of natural search (source:MOZ) 95% of clicks to a…
Read MoreRob Petersen
26 reasons digital marketing matters to the C-Suite
Digital is the only media channel predicted to grow in the next 3 years according to Zenith Optimedia. It is now #2 behind TV. By the end of the decade, many…
Read More27 surprising facts about salespeople who are Social Selling
Social Selling is the use of social media to interact directly with prospects, to answer questions and offer thoughtful content until the prospect is ready to buy. Social selling is…
Read More10 lessons on Walmart’s social media strategy
Walmart is the world’s largest public corporation, biggest private employer and largest retailer. It is still a family-owned business. Walmart also has a big social media presence. Walmart has: 34,000,0000+…
Read More12 experts define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are one of the most over-used and least understood terms in business development and management. They are too often taken to mean any metric or data…
Read MoreWhy do companies struggle with ROI?
Why do companies struggle with ROI? Here are 26 reasons 70% of CMOs report feeling unprepared to harness the power of their data to make intelligent marketing decisions. (source: HubSpot) 52%…
Read More24 reasons SEO and social media are inextricably linked
59% of marketers agree SEO has the biggest effect on lead generation 22% say social media 20% say pay per click (source: SiteProNews) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is is the process of getting…
Read More25 social media listening aids to increase your hearing
78% of consumers say that companies’ social media posts impact their purchases (source: Forbes) 74% rely on social networks to guide purchase decisions (source: Social Sprout) 71% of consumers are…
Read More18 reasons to listen to social media before you leap
Among companies that are “very successful” at achieving goals with social media, 47% make extensive use of social analytics. Among companies that are “not successful,” 17% use social analytics (source: Marquette Group…
Read More11 tips and tools to jump-start your SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring the site appears high on the list of results returned by a…
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